Our Services
Capabilities for Life LLC in Indiana, PA, is a privately-owned and managed company created to assist school districts with high quality professional development and support for school administration, special education teachers, regular education teachers, paraprofessionals, parents and students. Our goal is to build district capacity to meet the needs of our most challenging students while holding high expectations for all children and satisfying the requirements of IDEA and ESSA.
- Professional development training
- In-classroom consultations and coaching
- DIBELS Next, Math, PELI, and DEEP training and support
- Team support with FBAs and BIPs
- Planning for successful instruction in all environments with high expectations for all students with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, and Multiple Disabilities
- Transition planning and assessment for individual students and all student populations
- Structured development of district policies and procedures for classrooms that support students with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, and Multiple Disabilities.
- Training and support for those students who have pre-academic skill instruction needs
- Identification of curriculum that meets the needs of the district’s students with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, and Multiple Disabilities.
- Expertise in transition, behavior, assistive technology, effective instruction principles, communication, reading, math, self-determination skills and functional skill development
- Expert support in developing assistive technology plans for students in communication and instructional needs.
- Teach skills to build capacity with district staff for current and future student needs
- Flexible pricing options to meet the needs of school districts

Building district capacity is our number one priority! It is our goal to teach your teachers how to provide the instruction needed to your students. We work with teams to devise a specific plan for each identified need, and we plan how our services are going to be faded so district staff takes over with confidence and success.